Sep 30, 2018
Shonali Bhowmik and Christian Felix co-host a chat, music, variety talk show with guests comedian and oversharer Calvin Cato; humorist, cartoonist, artisanal pencil sharpener and tv host David Rees along with music by Tigers and Monkeys. Christian Felix is back in his co-hosting seat after a trip to Singapore where they know how to deal with the heat.
Calvin Cato, a self professed oversharer, explains how as a premed major, he made his way into the world of comedy. Calvin wrote an open letter to his white male friends and WDEK endorses his sentiment. Get It Off Your Chest with audience member Martina Potratz. If you ever wondered, strangers really do yell things out at pregnant women in the streets.
David Rees is a master of many trades including a fact checker, an artisanal pencil sharpener, the creator of the cartoon Get Your War On, the host of a tv show called Going Deep (find it online) but one of his most important works was his Financial Transparency - Journey Into Hell presentation. Both David and Christian protect themselves from the heat with help of a handkerchief.
Tigers & Monkeys, a band led by WDEK's own Shonali Bhowmik just released their third full length album titled Saturday Destroyer. Shonali along with bandmates Jason Lam, Anthony Cangelosi and Russell Dungan perform stripped down versions of their songs Over The Sun, Magic Marker and Dinosaurs Surrender.